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Speak Boldy. Connect Authentically.



Queer Mindset Coach,PCC (Trauma-Informed)

We can’t control what happens to us…
The world is full of hateful religion, hateful politics, and hateful cultures. The noise can get so loud that it can become part of our nature to make ourselves smaller—so we aren’t an inconvenience to others. Being raised in Catholic and Lutheran churches I learned to feel guilt around many parts of my identity.

“Boys don't dance like that.”
“Boys don't walk like that.”
“Stop playing with the girls.”

As I grew older, I became angry and resentful towards religion, my family, and even my closest friends. I became lost and alone. I would often wake up in the middle of the night in terror… feeling ashamed of who I was and wanting to do whatever I could to change. I turned to alcohol and unhealthy relationships to cope with the pain. And even as I started seeking out others like me, I would often find myself in “accepting communities” that only encouraged my unhealthy coping mechanisms. More drinking, unstable relationships, and zero ambition...

Through yoga, therapy, and hiking I was able to manage some of the coping mechanisms, but it wasn't until I discovered Time Line Therapy® that I was truly able to move beyond the religious and sexual trauma of my past. I was finally able to deprogram the fear and shame that caused me to tone down my femininity. I was finally able to find stable relationships and repair those that had been broken in the past. I was also done trying to fit into what I thought it meant to be gay. I decided only I can define what that means for me. I didn’t have to go clubbing every night, live at the gym, or stay up with the latest fashion trends (although I still enjoy those in moderation). What changed most is that I finally gave myself permission to have ambitious career goals, a healthy lifestyle, stable relationships, dress in drag, all while being the huge dork that I am.

Today, I am happier in my skin than I’ve ever been. As a Trauma-Informed, PCC Accredited Life Coach through the International Coach Federation, a Yoga & Breathwork Instructor, and Master Practitioner in Time Line Therapy® & NLP; I now help free queer people from the shame prisons that are holding them back from claiming the fulfilling careers and relationships they are worthy of. If you're interested in learning more, feel free to schedule a Vision Strategy Session to find out what blocks might be holding you back. 

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