Featured Episodes
The energy it takes to perform, to pretend, and to suppress our authentic selves can be absolutely soul-crushing.
My guest, Timm Baldwin, has lived that journey. After decades in the closet living a life shaped by faith, family, and the expectations of others, Timm made the courageous decision to come out—after having a wife and kids and growing up in a deeply rooted Protestant, Christian faith.
Wherever you are in your coming out journey this conversation is gonna be a beautiful reminder on just how far you’ve come and might even shed some light on places where you’re still working towards being your authentic self. Whether it’s in your work life, family, relationships or even in the queer community.
In today’s modern world of dating there are so many dating options out there. It can be overwhelming knowing where to start. But today I sit down with one of the most prominent voices in polyamory, Janet W. Hardy, who is the co-author of The Ethical Slut, which has helped millions of people rethink love and relationships.
Janet has a gift for simplifying polyamory and inspiring us to view love not as a limited resource, but as something abundant, expansive, and deeply transformative.
In this conversation, we don’t just stop at relationships—we also dive into the beautiful spiritual experiences she’s had through kink exploration… which she highlights even more in her book “Notes of an Aging Pervert”. So whether you’re polyamorous, a curious monogamist, or a closeted perv, this episode will leave you thinking about connection in ways you never have before.